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Flight Data Publication Prototype

The Flight Data Publication Service will be made up of one feature, the Track Information. This feature provides aircraft position information and time as calculated by the trajectory synthesis algorithm.

Flight Plan Service (FPS)

(This fictitious service is for instructional use only and cannot be consumed) A service for filing, updating, or canceling an IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) flight plan.

FlightFilingService Proposed
FNS NOTAM Distribution

The Federal Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) System (FNS) NOTAM Distribution Service (FNS-NDS) is a Web service that returns digital NOTAM messages in Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) format in response to queries or searches based on consumer provided search criteria.

Integrated Terminal Weather Service (ITWS)

The Integrated Terminal Weather Service (ITWS) will provide consumers with the ability to subscribe to a variety of supported ITWS products. For the complete list of ITWS products please refer to the ISSC Comprehensive User Guide (Reference 15).

NEMS Gap Testing - created by RC Definition
STDDS Airport Data Service (APDS)

The SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) Airport Data Service (APDS) publishes Runway Visual Range (RVR) data to consumers. Data includes runway visibility and trend for touchdown, midpoint and rollout, depending on the instrumentation for the runway. 

STDDS Surface Movement Event (SMES)

The SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System (STDDS) Surface Movement Event Service (SMES) provides safety logic data, track positions and derived surface movement events information for all aircraft monitored at select towers associated with a TRACON. 

STDDS Terminal Automation Information (TAIS)

The STDDS Terminal Automation Information Service (TAIS) provides operational live flight plan data, track data, sign-in/sign-out (SISO) data, alert data, Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) data and other important data from the Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS).

Submit PIREP (WMSCR) Proposed
